Here are pictures from a day I spent in my Father's rubber farm, located 200km NE of Dhaka near Srimongol.
Mimosa (Lojjaboti) flowers were in full bloom.

I was walking on thick grass near the pond. Suddenly a I heard a rustle very close to me, and this dove (Ghoo-ghoo pakhi) flew out and landed on the other side of a creek flowing near the pond.

After a while he took off again and crash-landed in a paddy field. A farm worker went to inspect and picked it up so I could take a picture. The dove's legs and wings seemed alright, but he could fly only short distances. We set it free after the picture session.

Meanwhile, a giant yellow flower had bloomed near the bungalow. It attracted all manners of critters, including bees...

Ants sometimes worked alone...

...and sometimes in groups...

"Stay away, Mr. Bee, you don't have landing rights on this runway - urm, stamen!"

"But try that one - over there."

A wasp (bolta) hovered near the flowers, zigging and zagging...

Whoops, that was a rough landing!

A hairy spider appeared in the plant's leaves.

Butterflies hung around in odd positions...

...while a nervous dragonfly considered whether to join the fray.

There were many other wildflowers in the farm, including this kind

and these:

All in all, a rewarding day at the farm! Isn't the Bd countryside beautiful?