A large percentage of Dhaka's population has left for their home towns/villages to celebrate Eid, the end of Ramzan. The bus terminals, railway stations and launch ghats were jam packed for the last few days.
But while families wait to board their transportation, how do their kids pass their time? I found out at Mohakhali Bus Terminal today.
Holding on to Daddy's hand is a real good way to wait...

...but live entertainment from Mommy rates high, too...

... as does a sip of RC Cola from her own hands.

Then again, some have neither option. "Anybody seen my family?"

Little ones while away the time sleeping on Mommy's lap...

Those lucky to have siblings keep each other busy...

... but if not, you can always count your bangles...

"Hey you, that's my hat and I want it back!"

"See, it fits me real good."

"Y'all can check out my new red watch right here"

"Is this the stuffed animal Daddy promised for Eid. Hmmm. Maybe not."

Some perhaps wish they could fly to their village like a bird...

... while this boy keeps his Mom spellbound with a story...

... But shaking hands with a politician? Surely things are not
that bad?

"Whew, finally boarded the bus! Say-y-y-y, what are you looking at Mr. Photographer? Don't you have to get home for Eid?"

Hooray! We are on our way.
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