During my recent Dhaka-Sylhet trip, I paid attention to the busses (well, if you are going on any highway in Bangladesh, you have no choice, because, by their aggressive driving, busses make sure you pay attention to them.) But cussing them gets boring after a while, so I started reading their names. Soon I had a list.
For some, family was important:BAI BAI (brother-brother - or, wait, maybe it is meant to be BYE-BYE)
Mayer Doa (Mother's blessing)
Ma Babar Doa (Mother's and Father's blessings)
Mayer Doya (Mother's kindness)
Mayer Achol (Mother's sari's corner)
Stand out from the crowd:Ovi Motors Welcome You Are Welcome
Dhaka-Habiganj Special
Rimjhim Special
Shyamoli Special
HI Deluxe
SU> Deluxe
Avizat Motors (Aristocrat Motors)
Hanif Exclusive Business Class
Rahbar Symbol of Aristocracy
Some names had religious connotations:Allah Varosha (Depend on Allah)
Allahr Daan (Gift of Allah)
Holy City (reference to Sylhet)
Some used proper nouns:Masud Shohel
Lovley Eva
Names to denote speed:Birotihin (non-stop)
Agradut (the one in front)
ARABIAN (like the horse?)
Entering Dhaka I saw the bils:Ababil (a bird)
Anabil (free)
Salsabil (?)
What was this doing inside Bangladesh?TRTC, Govt of Tripura
My Absolute Favorite:Emon Lemon (A Lemon Like This)
If I had my way I would call them:Get out of my way or else
Brakes? What are those?
Take no prisoner
Roadkills R Us
Disowned by Mother
Don't be a Sissy - being crushed by a bus never hurt anyone
I am BIG you are small NYA NYA
It would be fascinating to ask the bus owners the reason for the name they had bestowed on their bus. But if I ever meet an owner, it would be even more fascinating to grab their collar, shove them against a wall, and ask them why they had hired the most dangerous drivers on the planet to kill people - erm, I mean, to drive their busses.
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