After years of using very basic mobile phones, I have gotten my hands on a Java phone, the Nokia N73 (Music Edition.)
It has two cameras. Here is a grab shot with the main camera (3MP) taken through a window. And of course it does videos.

It has a FM receiver and headset so I can listen to local FM stations when stuck in traffic.
It has a clock that shows the time on several cities around the world.
Best of all, I downloaded an ebook reader, mobipocket, which runs on this phone. So I can download ebooks (there are lots of free older ones on and read them. Mobipocket has an adjustable font, so I don't have to squint. And get this, it has an autoscroll feature so I don't have to flip pages.
(BTW, if you try this, make sure to convert Gutenberg's text files into the ebook format by using mobicreator, a free program from the same site.)
And of course you can run any number of Java or Symbian applications on it for doing a lot of different things.
I signed up for GP's GPRS service to try it out. It costs Tk 1000/month for unlimited uploads and downloads. So I can check email, browse the web. It also supports various news feeds (something I have not explored.) For gmail, there is a separate client that one can download, so it is a lot faster than going through the browser.
Two things missing that I would really like: a) a way to adjust point size for all text; and b) some navigation capability. Also, the basic phone functions that were so easy on my old phone are a little more complicated (it asks you too many questions, and you have to keep on clicking.)
But a very nice toy overall.
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