A main reason I returned to Bangladesh in 2005 after three decades abroad was so I could spend time with my aging father.
Four days ago my father had a severe heart attack. When I found out that he had fallen ill in Sylhet, I took the next flight from Dhaka and brought him here on the same plane. From the airport I took him straight to Apollo Emergency. But it was too late. He passed away the next morning.
Thus, my return to Bangladesh was indeed a true blessing, because I was able to spend time with my father the last two and a half years. I just wish I had a little longer time with him.
For many NRBs this is the classic fear: getting that phone call from home during a medical crisis while so far away. But look what happened - I was so close and still I could not get there on time.
Which leads me to think that the price of living abroad is not so much that we are not there during times of crisis of family members. It is the time spent doing everyday things, year after year, away from parents (well, unless you are lucky enough to have your parents near you.)
After all, time is the most precious thing we have in life, and I am very grateful to God that I was able to spend these 2.5 years close to my father.
More on my father
here .
He was a good man and the best father one could wish for.
ps, I am very unhappy with the restrictive visitor rules at Apollo.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
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