Eid-ul-Azha - celebrated by Muslims - is in many ways like Thanksgiving. People eat. They seriously chow down. For many of the poor, perhaps it is one of precious few days in the year when they eat (a lot of) meat.
The day after Eid, people head home after their vacation. Not a happy day for many, with school and work looming on the horizon.
Here are some pictures from Sadarghat, Dhaka's massive river terminal, as people try to return home after the big party.
You make the Eid feeling last a little longer by decking out on new dresses...

... and the henna stays for a few days.

"The shades help me look cool...

...but the crowds are marching to the pier...

... and I know the party is over."

"Hurry Grandpa, you don't want to miss the boat, do you?"

"So many boats here... which one is mine?

... oh, there it is!"

Some have to carry their stuff...

... while others, such as this man, have to be carried themselves.

For many little ones, Mommy is just a kiss away...

...but you really don't want to be lost in a place like this.

"The boat looks pretty big...

... I wonder what our place will look like...

... and whether I will be able to play Horsie."

"Wish Eid had lasted a little longer. But it was good. See you next year!"
Wednesday, December 10, 2008